But I'm wondering if the edits from USKP should be integrated into Timing is everything. In this section, we will discuss: -Alternate Starts -Audio and Music, these might link to Legendary Edition pages, but since they're just sound files, they work fine. Hmm you'll probably want to make sure Timing is Everything win since that makes it so you'll get this mods effects otherwise I'm pretty sure the edits from the uskp will break those quests I'll have to check myself. Just follow the tutorial mentioned on the " Essential(link)" page to update the mod yourself, skip everything, and just re-save the ".esp" on the Creation Kit. NOTE: IF YOU RUN WRYE BASH AND IT COMPLAINS ABOUT "OLD/OUTDATED" FILES, AND SHOWS YOU A MOD ".ESP", THAT MEANS THAT MOD HASN'T BEEN PORTED PROPERLY, OR IS A LEGENDARY EDITION MOD, IF SO, YOU NEED TO UPDATE THAT SHIT YOURSELF, AND GIVE THE MOD AUTHOR A STERN TALKING-TO. Please note that most mods with the word "Immersive" in the title are most likely created by a dumbass who's just trying to advertise his mod to other dumbasses. These mods can range from big content packs, to smaller tweaks. I mean, it's still pretty empty but this guide will alleviate the boredom.

Immersion is one of those little things that makes the world feel like it's not just an empty husk.