Increases damage based on Energy Recharge A great F2P option for all claymore users.Īll Claymore List Polearm - Best Weapons List Can be crafted so it is easier to Enhance.

Greatly increases Crit Rate / DMG for easier Artifact Building. Greatly boost the Physical Power of Claymores. Elemental Burst, Normal and Charge of the character will create a Elemental Burst of the character will create a vacuum that gives additional damage. Great for Elemental Skill focused characters.Īll Bow List Catalyst - Best Weapons List Can reset the cooldown of Elemental Skill. One of the best support Bow that is great for 1 shot builds. Greatly boost the power of Elemental Burst & Skill Increases the fire power of your teammates per hit of skill or burst. One of the best support weapon since it increases both Energy Recharge through its sub-stat and Elemental Mastery through its skill Great for DPS that does not rely on Burst for Damage. Crit DMG substat that makes it easier to build characters. Greatly increases the normal attack damage of characters. Hits have a 60% chance to inflict a small AoE attack, dealing 125% Physical ATK DMG. High base attack with Crit Rate as sub-stat making it easier to build DPS characters Weapon Skill increase damage for Elemental Skill, Elemental Burst, and overall ATK Greatly Increases Elemental Mastery for more powerful reaction. Gives support capabilities to the wielder. Restores health upon receiving damage that scales on the ATK of the character and deals AOE Damage to enemies around you. Sub-stat being Crit makes most of your attack damage strong. Increases the attack that scales to the HP of the user. Strongest weapon for Elemental DPS characters.
Sub-Stat is Crit DMG making it easier to build any DPS characters. Greatly increases the elemental DMG of characters.